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I came to Kenwood in 2020 to teach Lifetime Wellness, PE, and Digital Learning. I have taught Psychology, Anatomy & Physiology, Focus Math, and Focus Literacy as well. This year I will be teaching Lifetime Wellness all day. Woohoo!!!
My students have made a big impact on me and how I approach the world. Just as they have widened my horizons, I have done the same for how they approach their future, dreams and world. Every student has a very bright future, they just have to stay positive and work towards it. This past summer I took 7 students to England for 9 days and we had a blast. They got to experience new food and culture.

The following are sports and clubs that I am involved:
Wrestling Coach
Unified Sports (Flag Football, Bowling, and Track & Field) Coach.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Sponsor
Bowling Club Sponsor
Educational Tours both Abroad and in the US
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Be on time in your rollcall location when the tardy bell rings.  If you are not, you are considered late.

NO PHONES OR HEADPHONES at any time. They must stay in your backpack.

No boots, high heels, slides, crocs, sandals, flipflops, etc.  Wear tennis shoes.  No tank tops, cut off/shirt shirts, short shorts, skirts/dresses, see through clothing, etc. Shorts must be finger length or below. 

If you are absent, you can write a one page paper on a physical education, sport, or health topic to recover your points for the day.  Then paper must be written within 14 days of the absence.


Use equipment as instructed by the teacher.

Follow the directions and stay in the area of the gym that you are assigned.

Respect everyone, their personal property, and take pride in your school.

Classroom Books