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I am a graduate from APSU with a B.S in Mathematics and a Master's in Educational Leadership. I've been in the classrooms since 2011.
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Other classroom Policy that are important to Remember:

  • After an assignment due date, you will receive a late grade of 50% off of the grade earned upon completing the assignment. After we test over the unit, all assignments for that unit are not able to be turned in for any type of credit. Zero will remain.
  • Students must have their 3 ring binder, pencil, paper, computers, and textbook at all times
  • It is the students responsibility to gather any missing notes or assignments if child is  absent
  • Cell Phone MUST remain in your pocket or a bag until dismissal bell
  • Any and all classroom expectations are subject to change and be added to


 Algebra I Syllabus 

2023 - 2024

Academic standards, chosen by the Tennessee State Board of Education, provide a common set of expectations for what students should know and be able to do at the end of a specific grade or course.  Local school districts determine the order in which these state-mandated standards are addressed in their schools.  For a breakdown of standard pacing and course objectives for Algebra I students in the Clarksville Montgomery County School System, please visit the Curriculum Resources link under the Students & Parents tab on the CMCSS homepage.


It is the policy of the Clarksville Montgomery County School System to follow the dictates of state statutes in the selection and use of all instructional materials.  Parents or legal guardians may request to review any instructional materials used in the classroom of the parent or legal guardian’s child following the guidelines set forth in Instructional Policy INS-A073 found at: 


The chart below outlines the units of study for Algebra I and possible major assignments or field trips that could be used to enhance student learning or solidify mastery of standards in each unit.  This chart is not inclusive of every assignment for Algebra I, as additional or different assignments may be created based on the needs of students.  Specific details for major assignments will be shared with students and parents or legal guardians as the standards related to the assignments are addressed in class.





Solving Linear & Absolute Value Equations


Solving Linear & Absolute Value Inequalities


Characteristics of Functions


Linear Functions & Arithmetic Sequences


Solving Systems of Equations & Inequalities


Exponential Functions & Geometric Sequences


Polynomials & Factoring


Graphing Quadratic Functions


Solving Quadratic Equations


Data Analysis & Displays


Skills Reinforcement for Geometry


Classroom Books