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I am a Tennessee native and graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. My biggest accomplishment is being a husband and a father. I enjoy spending time with my family, playing guitar, playing golf, watching Titans football, and coaching Cobra cross country. I am excited to serve as an 8th grade ELA teacher at Kirkwood Middle.
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Welcome to my online directory page! Please contact me via email if you have any questions. Materials Required for Class -Loose-Leaf Paper -A 3-ring Binder or Folder -Several #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga is best) -Composition Notebook Optional (but helpful) Materials -Facial Tissue (Kleenex, etc.) -Masks -Hand Sanitizer -Pre-Packaged Snacks (no peanuts) Bottled Water


F - Focus on GROWTH


N - Never compromise your INTEGRITY 


S – Smile

Classroom Rules

The following rules are in place to encourage a safe, active learning environment that allows all learners to benefit. Violation of these rules will result in loss of privilege or a behavior referral.


  1. Show respect to everyone, including yourself.
  2. All technology and materials should only be used to benefit the clear target(s).
  3. Be aware of your surroundings. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  4. Arrive to class on time and prepared.

Classroom Books